Words by | 27 Jul 2024


Developed as part of a curatorial contribution to The Rotterdam International Architecture Biennale 2016. It meshes together visuals, sounds, speeches, lectures and music sourced from multiple thinkers and creators working across the continent to explore and challenge the viewer to engage with the continent's history, what's occurred post-independence and how this has led us to this moment. How has history —both colonial and post-independence — contributed to the current state of cities in various parts the continent?

Directed by : Tau Tavengwa & Inka Kendzia

Edited by: Inka Kendzia,

Offline Editor: Khanya Mpahlwa

Composition & Audiomix: Neo Muyanga

Scriptwriter & Research: Sydelle Willow Smith

Producer: Rowan Pybus

Video Research: Megan King

Production Coordinator: Mandy Mbekeni

Production Assistant: Yolanda Sihlali

Executive Producers: Edgar Pieterse, Mark Swilling & Tau Tavengwa